Welcome tone lovers !
Here are some info on the gear currently available to custom order.
My priority is to build tone machines that goes a bit further on than just cloning amps that so many are doing today, these following amps are the result of over 30 years of research for the ultimate clean guitar tone that responds extremely well to effect pedals, all built with careful attention to tone. All amps are hand built, hand engraved and tweaked individually by me so each amp has its own personality.
Mother Classic reverb. 70 tm 6550 tube poweramp. I set up the classic Mother reverb amp in this version to produce a nice big responding sound but still at decent volumes for club gigs , Philip Sayce has used the Mother amps in a few versions since 2005 and the classic version has that big sweet sound foundation, there is simply nothing out there with this unique clean fat sustain response to pedals, and it works fantastic with all pedals like fuzzes, distortion and overdrive, truly a versatile amp for most styles. Panel controls are: Pre volume HI-LO-R/S switches, Treble, Middle, Bass, Reverb send, Reverb return, Master vol, Presence, 4-8-16 speaker out. Please inquire for pricing
Also check out Philip Sayces website ! https://www.philipsayce.com/
Mother RG 70. tm 6550 tube power amp. Ramon Goose Signature amp, this is an amp with massive clean headroom that works great with pedals and projects tone in a wonderful way, this version has slightly cleaner tone than the Mother classic . Hi – Lo – R/S switches, treble, middle, bass, Reverb shape /return Master vol presence – 4-8 ohm speaker out- This version now comes with the same full sounding reverb design as the Mother Classic and the standard size chassie as the Classic . Please inquire for pricing Also check out Ramon Goose website (https://ramongoose.wordpress.com/All the
XR 59 Custom. tm This amp is based on one of my earlier ideas that I have now set up for Nik Sevigny, and I think it turned out pretty nice. This is a 50w 6L6 reverb amp head that has slightly more natural and full drive in the preamp and that it is made to also sound really great on lower volumes,
** I have now also just further updated the XR59 design for orders placed in -25 , so here is the info:
The controls are Vol1, Hi – S – B – ( Bright, Mid shape- Boost switch) Vol 2, Treble, middle, Bass, Shape, Reverb, Presence – Vol 1 and Vol 2 in the preamp section can either act as a preamp master vol to set the base tone depending on you want a cleaner brighter clean tone or if you want a warmer fuller tone with a bit more drive at lower volumes, and the Vol 2 has now increased low volume capability, it also has a new reverb boost setup and a shape control for overall warmth and smoothnes and now the presence control is back again instead of vol 3. Rear panel has standard power cable jack, fuse, bias test points for each power tube , 4-8-16 speaker jacks (or optional 2×4 ohm and a single 8 ohm speaker jack if you prefer) This amp is for now built in my standard chassie and cabinet same as the Mother amp and it comes with a hand engraved semi polished or raw brushed panels, in standard it come with black tolex covering and comes with a custom front cloth version in various colors and patterns (no aluminium trim on the XR model) this is a very versatile amp. Price is 5000Euro
Here is a older clip of Nik Sevigny playing his standard original XR59 amp head and also kicking in a Dominion Fuzz and Wha pedal later in the clip.
And a new videoclip Of Niks XR59 Custom
Also check out Nik Sevignys youtube channel with lots of cool Guitar and amp goodies https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYCrei3LwCnPwdUOv42KdIA
Enchilada mods, I done this mod circuit version to few of Philip Sayces Fender amps. / I am sorry no Fender mods are made currently.
Spider, splitbox tm to use in multi parallel amp setups for that wide fat SRV, Sayce style amp sound, from 1 to 4 amps at once, and when hooked up like so it creates a great wide big tone. 130Euro shipped world wide **You can use Paypal for this unit.
All amp order payments are done via banktransfer, no paypal for amps, only the smaller items .** All prices may change depending on currency swings so please double check with me !!
**** Order lines are a bit limited these days and it is a bit long wait but I do what I can to help building you an amp, just ask, and if you dont get a response within two days please try contact me again.
New and used gear for sale ready for delivery -click here.. *Updated / Jan 3 -25
Currently I am working with Philip Sayce on a couple of new circuit design ideas, I also I made him this super-compact custom reverb head with lots of new trix inside and mated to a special transformer setup, this is an amp I made for him to fit inside his carry on case as a Travel amp, so its a rather small size head but with the output power of a 100w Twin ,,but no its not a Twin 😺 and also on the last European tour -24 Philip has also been using my old personal 50w head that some of you Philip Sayce fans might have seen (the amp with out a head cabinet) he has used this amp on and off since 2010 and that now has some new trix in it since Oct -24 , but I am afraid these new designs are currently not available to order, maybe further down the line, we will see how things go.
Below Philip playing the PS 100 amp
Below Philip Sayce playing the Mother amp and Enchi super Head
Ramon Goose plays the RG70 amp with a reverb pedal from Free the Tone
Paul Wright plays the Mystic Reverb amp below (I can still make this amp version if anyone is interested, its a clean channel reverb 50w 6l6 amp)
Olli Siikanen playing the KTC amp. / No Longer made
Chris Chown playing a Enchilada mod Super reverb.